Friday, October 22, 2010

I can make sorbet outta anything

So, this would probably have been a more appropriate post a few months ago.  But, in our house, sorbet has a year-round presence.   

Many of you know that Jim is a BIG ice cream eater.  Or, he used to be.  He kicked the habit last year and has found that sorbet fills his need for sweet frozen treats... at least mostly.  Store-bought sorbet costs $4 or more for a pint and the variety available is painfully small.  So, I have been making lots of sorbet—blueberry, strawberry-banana, peach, pear-ginger, raspberry, mango, melon, lemon, chocolate, and even kiwi.  Some days, I think I could make sorbet out of a cheeseburger if I wanted to.  Last week alone,  I made 3 different kinds.  And, NO—none of them were cheeseburger flavored!

I started with different recipes, but now I just make it on the fly.  Fresh fruit, sugar to taste, a little lemon or lime juice to brighten the flavor, and 1-2 Tbs. of alcohol or corn syrup (not sure if honey does the same thing; of course, I am partial to flavored vodkas) to keep it from freezing too hard.  Add it to my handy little Donvier ice cream maker and ta-da!—delicious sorbet.  This summer and fall I froze several quarts of berries so I could make sorbet over the summer with local produce.  I have frozen rhubarb too, but haven't gotten around to putting it in sorbet yet.

David Lebowitz's book, The Perfect Scoop, has many great sorbet and ice cream recipes.  I have a few other ice cream books and his is far superior, with great flavor combinations as well as interesting add ins.  If you like cookbooks, like I do, it is worth the purchase.  

Here are some links to a few of my favorite sorbet recipes.

Coconut Banana and Saffron  Unfortunately, I did not have saffron, but the texture and flavor of this are great.  But use the saffron if you have it, and let me know if it is as great as it sounds.

Mango  This has a nice chunky texture, but add 1-2 Tbs. of vodka or corn syrup to keep it from freezing too hard.

Lemon  Mouth-popping flavor.  I used the extra sugar mentioned to prevent my mouth from imploding. A great palate cleanser.

Cantaloupe  Got this recipe from my Takoma Park cooking buddy Jane.  It is hands-down Jim's favorite. And you don't need a ice cream maker to get great results.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're still enjoying the canteloupe sorbet! I got the recipe from Alton Brown.

    Made blackberry-lime sorbet last fall from Dave Lebowitz. Fantastic!

